New Pacific

In the fall of 2016 our client presented us with a challenge. Due to the physical size of the new boat she consumes a fair bit of energy. As a result of these high energy demands the owner/operator has been forced to run a 20 or 40 KW generator 24 hours a day, while cruising. Disturbing the peace and tranquility of remote anchorages began to weigh heavily on the owners of the vessel. In addition to the extra noise and environmental pollution, running these large generators at non-optimal loads was taking a toll on the maintenance schedule and bills not to mention the fuel expenses.

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Average Electrical Load
Main Enginen
Energy Storage
Energy Storage Capacity Usable
97 Feet
23 Feet
10 Feet
230,000 Lbs
3700 Watts
2 X 40 Kw Northern Lights, One 20 Kwh Northern Lights
Lugger 840 Hp
10, Revision Marine Esm 48-115
60 Kwh
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Recharge Duration Generator
Recharge Duration Shore Power
Silent Ship Autonomy
Charger Inverters
Solar Capacity
Solar Charge Controllers
Solar Panels
1.8 Hours
10 Hours
20-25 Hours* Depending On Loads
Victron Quatros 9 X 5Kw
1.5 Kw

After reaching out to the Revision Marine team we designed, developed and with help from the Port Townsend Shipwrights installers a 60 KWH Hybrid energy system was installed. By running the 40 KW generators to an optimally efficient 80% power load, we are able to recharge a Revision Marine ESM 48 1150 amp hour, lithium iron phosphate battery bank in a little over an hour. Now, the owner can experience 20 to 25 hours of silence, after the generator completes it’s 1 ½ hour cycle. Needless to say, our client is now enjoying small secluded anchorages more than ever. The wild life is breathing cleaner air and our customer is purchasing 4000 gallons less fuel per year. Yes, you read that correctly “4000 gallons” or around $16,000.00 of savings. Clean environmentally responsible luxury without compromise!